
The CCA welcomes opinions and thoughts on subjects of interest to the actuarial profession, and encourages the development of papers to drive discussion between members on these issues through CCA Communities.

The comments contained in these papers, including the identification and analysis of data, is the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCA, the CCA’s members, or any employers of CCA members, and should not be construed in any way as being endorsed by any of the aforementioned parties.

CCA welcomes submission of articles or analyses for posting on our website and discussion in our communities. If you would like an article or analysis considered, please contact Kelly Fanella.


Financial Accounting Treatment of Market-Return Cash Balance Plans

Authored by: CCA Corporate Qualified Pensions Community (Feb. 2024)

Social Security – What is it and what should it be?

Author: James Berberian (April 2021)

COVID Mortality and the State of the Life Insurance Business

Author: Peter Neuwirth

US Health Care in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author: Edward M. Pudlowski

Value-Based Care through Physician Groups - An Actuarial Business Perspective

Authors: Greger J. Vigen, Mark D. Wernicke, Edward M. Pudlowski (Aug. 2020)

Actuarial Funding Policies and Practices for Public Pension Plans

Authored by: CCA Public Plans Community

Did I Produce a Catastrophic Claim or Am I a Victim of Fraud?

Author: Michael L. Frank

Retirement Planning - Generating Lifetime Income, Leaving a Legacy and the Components of Net Worth throughout Retirement

Authors: Stephen R. Sacks, Peter Neuwirth, Barry H. Sacks

Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines

Author: Lawrence Mitchell

Successful Actuarial Practice in a Consulting Organization

Author: Rich Bailey

CCA Comment Letters

The following comment letters were developed through and submitted by the CCA Board of Directors on behalf of the CCA.

CCA Comments on Qualification Standards Exposure Draft

October 2020

Community Comment Letters

The following comment letters were developed through the coordinated efforts of members of Conference of Consulting Actuaries’ (CCA) Communities and are submitted as necessary to various entities. These comments do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCA, the CCA’s members, or any employers of CCA members, and should not be construed in any way as being endorsed by any of the aforementioned parties.

2018 Comments on ASOP 4 Re: ADC

Public Plans Community

2018 Comments on ASOP 4 Re: IRDM

Public Plans Community

2020 Comments on Qualification Standards Exposure Draft

Public Plans Community

2020 Comments on ASOP 6

Healthcare Community

2020 Comments on ASOP 4

Public Plans Community

Request That Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries Consider Amending Regulations

Corporate Qualified Pensions Community and Smaller Actuarial Consulting Firms Community

CCA Perspective on Papers and Public Statements

The Conference of Consulting Actuaries (CCA) considers it to be prudent to have a policy in place that governs the issuance of papers and public statements on behalf of the CCA as well as papers and public statements that could be construed as being made on behalf of the CCA. 

This document describes the guidelines and procedures that apply to the following types of papers and public statements:

  • Papers and public statements issued by the CCA
  • Papers and public statements issued by a CCA Community with appropriate disclaimer
  • Papers and public statements issued by individual CCA members that are published by the CCA with appropriate disclaimer

For purposes of this document, a “paper or public statement” means a communication that contains statements or positions involving actuarial concepts or other concepts that relate to the expertise of consulting actuaries and are of interest to the general public or other interested parties. Interested parties include, for example, regulators, legislators, government bodies, financial institutions and the media.

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