501 - ERISA 50 Years - Where has the Time Gone?
A new car cost $5,000, a new home cost $35,000 and life expectancy at birth was age 72. All in the Family was the most popular TV show and “The Way We Were” by Barbara Streisand was the number one song. The year was 1974 and President Gerald Ford signed ERISA into law on September 2nd. Fifty years have come and gone and retirement plans have aged and matured. Have the changes been for the better or worse? Attend this session and hear our experts discuss how ERISA has evolved and changed the American retirement plan landscape!
Christian R. Veenstra
Mr. David R. Godofsky
Ms. Tonya B. Manning
Richard O. Goehring
CPD Credit: 2.00 EA Core Credit: 1.00 EA Ethics Credit: 0.00 EA Non-Core Credit: 1.00 EA Formal Credit: 2.00-
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